Here is my classroom set-up progress in pictures.
A total mess! But everything moved from my old room to the new one. |
The pile slowly getting smaller!
Book baskets in cubbies...but so upset that the color pattern is off due to some baskets finally tearing up after years of use. It looks like a trip to the dollar tree is necessary! I hope they still have the dark blue colored baskets! |
Reading area.
Tables in place with seat sacks on the chairs.
Border up around the bulletin boards.
So Much left to do, but very excited about the progress made in two days!
Hi Michelle! My name is Camille and I also teach at K/1 class. However, my class is more of a traditional combination created solely for budgetary reasons. BUT I try to make it more multiage. This will be my third year teaching a K/1 and I would LOVE to gather ideas from you! I teach in California and will have 26 students this year.
An Open Door
Hey Camille. It is great to chat with other multiage teachers! We are somewhat in a different world than the traditional classroom teachers. At my school it is a privaledge to be in multiage. There is an application process and waiting list. I have 22 on my roster for this school year. Do you have an assistant or team teacher?